With the cost of higher education being really high, students have to take loans in order to help them cover their educational costs and to manage their funds. Taking credit from various sources during different periods of time and with different rates of interest, it becomes difficult for students to repay their loans and to manage their funds.
Student loan consolidation is one of the easiest methods of easing the pressure of repayment. It is an option available to undergraduate as well as graduate students and helps them avoid default of their loan. Such a method helps by combining the various loans taken by the student and dissolving the various repayment terms and schedules into one blanket loan. This system also offers a lower rate of interest (with interest rates falling by as much as 40%) along with providing a longer time of repayment.
The problems arising out of a defaulted loan are many, such as: lawsuits, seizure of federal and state tax refunds, as well as a bad credit rating which could hamper the chances of qualifying for a loan in the future.
However despite these facilities, some students have been known to have defaulted on their loan. A repair option available for them is to get a loan consolidation on their defaulted loan to qualify for which the student needs to repay up to three months of his repayment on time. This enables him to obtain a federal consolidation loan in which the lender pays off the student’s loan and issues him a new loan, reducing the rate of interest and increasing the repayment time.
The credit rating of the student is also revamped to reflect that his loans has been repaid using consolidation. The best way towards the consolidation of the defaulted loan of a student is to approach a student loan consolidation company which can assess the student’s financial situation and come up with an appropriate consolidated loan.
Check Out the Related Article : An Overview of Student Loan Debt Consolidation
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