Nowadays, more students than ever have a means to a higher education. The financial issues involved with such an education can be readily dealt with by availing student loans. The fear and apprehension associated with student loan debts has been fended off with the help of several student loan debt programs that students can fall back on. Student loan debt programs offer a number of benefits to financially burdened student borrowers. They offer lengthened periods for repayment. This also helps them to lower monthly costs. These programs typically offer student borrowers the ability to postpone payments or even pay less than the entire amount that is owed in the event of the borrower facing unemployment or any kind of financial hardship.
Certain types of loans work especially well for new graduates. You can combine your federal student loans into a single loan with one monthly payment. The repayments of a student loan debt consolidation loan can be significantly lower than the payment required under the standard 10-year repayment option. Under the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program, banks, secondary markets, credit unions, and other lenders provide the student loan debt consolidation loan. Under the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program, the federal government provides the student loan debt consolidation loan.
As the old adage goes, an idle mind is the devil's playground. So, it is believed that a student is only meant for his studies. He does not have time to worry about money matters. Hence often a student ends up in debts and multiple unpaid credit card bills which may give a thrash to his studies which is unacceptable for any person with conscience. And, this is the reason why today's lenders have come up with this unique facility, the student debt consolidation loan with an unmatched benefit package.
By Warren Frump
Check Out the Related Article : Consolidation - Defaulted Student Loan
Friday, October 31, 2008
Save Me From Student Loan Debt!

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans Debt
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Finding The Best College Student Loan Consolidation
After getting the college loan the biggest problem is, HOW to repay it? If the monthly repayment installment seems very huge then the only solution is college student loan consolidation. The main aim of student loan consolidation is to improve your financial situation.
Temporary benefits of consolidating student loans are:
1) With this facility you can lower down your monthly repayment.
2) Improve your credit score.
3) You can also get a reduced debt income ratio.
College student loan consolidating packages offer you many money saving incentives. The knowledge of different incentives will surely help you to making the right choice. The best source of knowing about student loan consolidating is Internet. You are recommended to visit the lender's website and study all the offers and benefits.
The following tips will help you to find the best college student loan consolidating package:
Find a package, which offers you lowest Student loan consolidation rate, as this tiny little number affects your loan burden.
Interest Rate Reductions:
Student loan companies often offer you money saving incentives like interest rate reductions with their student loan consolidation package. With a little research, you can even find a total interest rate reduction of up to 1.75%.
On Time Payment's Interest Rate Reduction:
Some student loan companies reward you if you wish to make your payments on time. Yes, you can get interest rate reduction up to 1%.
Auto Pay Interest Rate Reduction
The mode of repayment can also fetch an interest rate reduction up to .5%, i.e. if you are allowing a self-deduction from your account to repay college loan. Auto pay will give you freedom from paperwork and late payments. Of course, you can save significant amount of money in the long run.
Cash Back Programs
Certain student loan consolidation companies offer you cash back option after specific number of consecutive on time repayments. Sometimes you can get cash back of 1%.
By comparing all the savings, incentives and options of the various college student loan consolidating companies, you can find the perfect one.
By Oliver Turner
Check Out the Related Article : Consolidation - Defaulted Student Loan

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans Consolidation
Federal Student Loans - Amazing Value For Students Who Need Financial Help
All federal student loans promise to defer payment on the loan while the student remains in school on at least a half time basis. Once the student graduates or begins taking fewer classes, the payments on the loan do not need to begin immediately. They can be deferred by as much as 6 months.
Federal student loans offer students in the U.S. the largest source of need-based loans. They allow students to obtain a loan with simple interest and a government guarantee. In applying for such loans, students do not need to have any type of collateral.
The big plus of all federal student loans, is the promise of an in-school interest subsidy. That means that the federal government pays the interest on the loan while the student is still in school. The government also pays that interest during the first six months after the loan recipient is out of school.
The Types of Federal Student Loans
Students should understand that there are number of different federal student loans. Some students get a Perkins Loan. When a student is awarded a Perkins Loan, then his or her chosen school gets the loan money. The school then transfers that money to the student’s account in the form of a credit. Perkins loans have an interest rate of 5%.
Some students are awarded a Stafford Loan. This is a subsidized loan. The Stafford Loan comes (at the time of writing), with an interest rate of 6.8%. The student awarded a Stafford Loan can choose the bank that will be lending the money for that loan. The lender then sends that money to the student’s school. Again the school transfers that money to the student’s account in the form of a credit.
Direct Student Loans and Loan Information
Federal student loans do not always provide for money that comes from a lender. Some federal loans are direct loans. When a student gets a direct loan, then the government is the lender of the loan money.
These loans can be given to citizens or to permanent residents. At one time, some of the students awarded federal loans still lacked a full understanding of the loan process in the U.S. And at that time, about 25 years ago, students of course could not look to the Internet for information on federal student loans.
Without easy access to information, some students lacked an understanding of the loan provisions, and delayed paying for their federal student loans.
Interest Reduction on Federal Student Loans
Some students who have benefited from these loans have had the opportunity to get an interest reduction. That reduction is given to loan recipients who have chosen to use a direct debit to make payments on the loan. The extent of that reduction depends on the level of education attained by the student.
Federal student loans for undergraduates typically offer a 1% interest rate reduction for agreement to direct debit and for graduate students they usually offer a 1.5% rate reduction to any such loan recipient who is willing to make their payments by direct debit.
By Martin Haworth
Check Out the Related Article : College Student Loans - Your Own College Can Help Your Finances

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 12:09 AM 2 comments
Labels: Federal Student Loans
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Types of Student Loans
Paying for college sometimes means using student loans. Student loans are specifically designed to help students meet the costs of a higher education. Most student loans offer good deals on tax credits, payback and interest rates. However, before getting a student loan it is important to consider the different types of student loans and where to go to get one.
Student loans can come from private lenders, colleges or the federal government. Federal loans are often guaranteed, which means no collateral is needed to obtain the loan. The Federal Stafford Loan is a commonly used government loan that provides low interest rates. Some Stafford Loans are based on income and others are not. Subsidized loans are based on income and the government pays interest until the student begins repayment. An unstudied loan Leaves all interest up to the student. There is also the Federal PLUS loan that parents can take out for students.
Besides the government loans there are bank loans. Loans through banks differ in payment options and interest rates. Most banks will require some form of collateral for the loan. Collateral is something that the bank will get if the loan is not paid. State loans can be more expensive than government loans and are usually handled through banks. College loans are the most costly and should only be used on an emergency basis. There are also special loans that a student may apply for based upon certain factors, like military affiliation.
Once a loan is secured reading and understanding it is essential. A student should understand about repayment, interest rates and any limits on amounts they can borrow. Understanding where to go get a loan is also important. Student loans may be the only way to ensure a student can afford college, so getting to know the options is a good place to start.
By Jeanette Pollock
Check Out the Related Article : College Student Loans - Your Own College Can Help Your Finances

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans Types
Friday, October 24, 2008
Student Loan Consolidation - That Lowers Your Burden
Nowadays, student loan debt consolidation has become more popular. The number of such loan providers, which provide debt consolidation loans to college graduates, students, parents or high-school students has also increased.
Under student loan consolidation you can simply convert your all student loans into one. It is also known as the school loan consolidation. You will have to pay only one fixed rate of interest for one monthly loan payment with only one lender.
There are no extra fees or charges on such type of loans. You can also choose flexible repayment structure and there are no prepayment penalties. There is no need of credit checks for such loans, which in turn saves time. The Student Loan Consolidation Program will provide more than $7,500 at the lowest interest rates.
Consolidation is the best method of lessening your burden by converting all students’ loans under a single loan with one lender. Such type of loans can help you to invest more for future and easily maintain your budget. A person may apply for student loan consolidation only when he is in a loan grace period or doesn’t consolidate loans before this.
You can also apply online for student loan consolidation. There are different companies, which consolidate your student loans, bad credit student loans, high education loans, education loan, school loan, federal student loan, joint loan and many more. Once the interest rate is fixed, it doesn’t change. The repayment will begin within 60 days.
By Mehar Grewal
Check Out the Related Article : College Student Loans - Your Own College Can Help Your Finances

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 2:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans Consolidation
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Understanding US Student Loan Types
With US Student Loans, the most popular revolve around Federal Student Loan programs, which is often the best option for most students to get through college. When you add up all your expenses like tuition, accommodation, books, travel, and entertainment (you have to live as well) you need all the help you can get. Here is an overview all all the different types of US student Loans on Offer to you - you may even want to get more then one loan at a time - but be careful not to over extend.
There are several types of US Student Loans - Federally Funded Loans, Private US Student Loans, Student Consolidation Loans and International Student Loans. The Federal loans are a lot more flexible and have much better terms (lower interest rate) but private student loans are also worth looking at – as with some, you can defer payment until you finish your studies - a very useful option.
Federal Student Loans
These loans are available as part of a government loan program and will generally have the best loan terms from a student's point of view:
Federal Stafford Loans
Federal Perkins Loans
Federal Parent PLUS Loans
Federal Graduate PLUS Loans
Private Student Loans
These types of loans are offered by private loan companies and are usually not a flexible as federal loan options.
Community College Loan
Continuing Educational Loan
Career Training Loan
Signature Student Loan
Tuition Answer Loan
Student Consolidation Loans
Student Loan Consolidation could save you money and are especially suitable if you're already paying back Student Loans or are on a grace period. These type of loans refinances multiple loans into one new loan, with a new repayment amount, interest rate and term.
Consolidation Federal Student Loans
Consolidation Private Student Loan
International Student Loans
For those pursuing College and University outside of the US then these type of loans are for you.
The type of US student loan you decide on will very much depend on your specific circumstances. Each type has its merits and drawbacks, but remember that you should be able to find a student loan that meets your requirements exactly.
By John Mcfadden
Check Out the Related Article : College Student Loans - Financing Your Education!

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans Types
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Four Types Of Federal Student Loan Consolidation
If you are an American student or one studying in an American school, then you are eligible for federal student loan consolidation from the U.S government.
Federal student loan consolidation plans are applicable for all students whether you are still in school or a recent graduate or already into your new career.
If you are successful in your student loan consolidation application, it will help you to reduce the student loan payment amount each month and/or allows you more time to pay off your student loans.
If you currently have several student loans, it is easier if you use federal student loan consolidation to consolidate them into one loan payment thus making it easier to manage.
The Four Types Of Federal Student Loan Consolidation
The U.S government in a bid to attract more students to take up their student consolidation loans have come up with four plans to suit the different needs of students.
They are:
1) Standard Student Loan Consolidation
The maximum student loan period is 10 years and the payment amount per month is fixed. This type of plan is suitable for students who can afford to pay a fixed amount per month. The interest rate would not be a big factor in huge student consolidation loans
2) Extended Payment Plan
This type of plan is similar to standard student loan consolidation except it has a longer repayment period of between 15 to 30 years. The repayment period is dependent on the student loan amount.
3) Graduated Payment Plan
This type of plan is suitable for students still schooling and can only repay the student loan when they have a job after they graduated. The payment period is between 15 to 30 years. The payment amount per month usually starts low and increase steadily every 2 years. The intent is the as the student has worked for a longer period of time, their salary will increase accordingly and thus able to pay a larger repayment student loan.
4) Income Contingent Payment Plan
This type of plan is complicated and is based on the student’s income level over a period of years. It is also based on the family’s annual gross income, other loan amounts owed, other assets, mortgages etc.
Most student usually choose graduated payment plan or the extended payment plan for their federal student loan consolidation.
By Ricky Lim
Check Out the Related Article : College Student Loans - Financing Your Education!

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans Consolidation
Monday, October 20, 2008
Finding a Student Loan ?? Why not.. :-)
Actually there is no something that difficult to getting everything in this world, including finding and getting student loan, because of that, in here i would like to share with you about the few tips to finding student loan that best fits your financial and educational situation.
When it comes to student loans, there are two basic types, private and federal. Private loans are given to students, but are generally based upon your credit report and credit score. These types of student loans, are not regulated or issued by the government, therefore, they tend to carry higher rates of interest. The government issues federal student loans. A lender will lend you the money, with the promise from the federal government that it will be paid back. These types of student loans typically carry much lower rates of interest, when compared to private loans.
When it comes to interest rates, there are two basic types unsubsidized and subsidized. With a subsidized student loan, the loan will not be charged any type of interest. If the loan is charged interest, it is paid by another party. This continues to be the case, while the student is currently attending school.
With an unsubsidized loan, the loan will be charged interest during the entire course of your school career. If the interest is left unpaid, it is then added to the principle amount of the loan. This tends to increase the amount you need to pay, as well as the time it will take you to pay off the loan.
When it comes to a federal loan, the student is require to fill out a form called FAFSA. This is important and must be done right away. Most schools offer a financial aid office and they will carry these forms. There are other types of loans that include college loan solutions, ACT education loans, study abroad loans, international student loans, Stafford loans, or PLUS loans.
Check Out the Related Article : College Student Loans - Financing Your Education!

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Is Bad Credit Student Loan Easy To Get To?
A past financial mistake like arrears, defaults amid others can have you labeled as a bad creditor. Procurement of a student loan can be a difficult task to accomplish if you are labeled as bad creditors. Usually bad credit student loan is accessible through the government but private loans may also be accessible to students.
Bad credit student loan that is sponsored by the government is dispersed by the colleges and schools. The amount that could be acquired as government student loan varies dependent upon the requirement of the borrower. It is dependent upon the administration of the school and colleges, who they consider eligible as the contender for bad credit student loan. But the financial aid offered by government student loan may often run of the accomplishment of the intended goal, a thereby private assistance is often accessed as well.
Understanding the present scenario, several online loan providers have come up with loan services especially catering to the needs of students with a bad credit history. It is advisable to browse through the interest to locate an appropriate student loan services provider. Before procuring student loan from an online services provider, it is suggested to navigate through the internet. If required an advice from professionals in the field should be consulted so as to clarify any doubts that you may have pertaining to bad credit student loan. This approach could be beneficial in locating an appropriate deal for a student with bad credit.
Some of the options of bad credit loan include Perkins loans, Stafford loans, and other loans offered by private lending institutions and banks. Student loan are a good enough financial option for meeting gaps in the pursuit of higher education. This loan is usually designed to cater to the divergent needs of students efficiently.
By Ricky Jones
Check Out the Related Article : Cheap Student Loans - Make Collage Studies Less Burdensome

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans FAQ
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Four Secrets of Student Loan Consolidation
Consolidating student loans can be confusing, this guide will show you four key secrets to consolidating a large loan into a much more manageable payment.
1. Financial aid officers may not give you the information that will help you most. In fact, many financial offices have a standard private provider they pre-choose for their loan process, while it never hurts to consullt a loan officer, be aware that theyre choice of loan companies may not be the best choice for you.
2. Loan companies offering all of the following are your best bet:
Private Student Loans
PLUS Loans
Federal Stafford Loans
Student Loan Consolidation
Private Consolidation Loans
Check with the company you plan to use to see which of these services they offer, remember, the more diversity, the better.
3. Always try to go for a fixed rate instead of a changing rate, without a fixed rate your interest will fluxuate up or down, which ultimately is a big gamble. With a fixed rate you can calculate your loan rate instead of being subjected to changing rates.
4. Avoid loan consolidation if your student loan is almost paid off, consolidating loans later on can mean "resetting" the loan process, meaning you'll pay more interest.
Now you know the four main secrets of student loan consolidation, with this knowledge you should be able to reduce your student loan payments to a more sizeable amount.
By Ben Davis
Check Out the Related Article : Cheap Student Loans - Make Collage Studies Less Burdensome

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans Consolidation
Friday, October 17, 2008
Student Loan Debt Consolidation - An Overview
There are a number of student loans and can be categorized into two main types: Federal Student Loans and Private Student Loans. The Federal student loans are disbursed through the US Department of Education's Federal Student Aid programs, and are the easiest to obtain. The private student loans are obtained from standard lending institutions and banks, among others. You can use both types of loans to fund your education, but when it comes to your Student Loan Debt Consolidation, never mix up the two together.
Start by consolidating your Federal student loans first. The benefits of student loan debt consolidation of your Federal loans is that:
• The rate of interest is lower
• It reduces your monthly payments as the term of loan repayment is increased to 30 years, depending on the loan balance
• The repayment is consolidated to a single check payment each month.
You are eligible to go for your student loan debt consolidation of your Federal loans when you are not enrolled in school any longer; you are actively repaying your loan or are in your six-month post-graduate grace period; you have a minimum loan amount of $10,000.
The reason why you should never mix up the Federal and private loans during student loan debt consolidation is that the interest on Federal loans is tax deductible; you can defer payments when you go back to school; and the loan is forgiven for certain types of service. Private students loans do not have these advantages as they are treated just as normal loans. Mixing up the Federal and private loans during student loan debt consolidation makes you lose all the benefits of the Federal loans consolidation.
Go for student loan debt consolidation to lower your debt burden, as once you have graduated you have to start paying back your loans.
By Gibran Selman
Check Out the Related Article : Cheap Student Loans - Make Collage Studies Less Burdensome

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 7:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans Consolidation
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Student Loans - Do I Need a Student Loan?
You may need a student loan if you can answer yes to any of the following questions. Are you ready to attend college, but have no real idea how you would finance it? Do you work and make more money than allowed for a federal grant? If these apply to you, it may be necessary to obtain a student loan.
Determining if you need a student loan is quite simple. No matter if, this is your first time in college or you are returning to obtain a higher degree or even finish a degree, then you should consider a student loan. What is great about student loans is that unlike other loans, you do not have to pay this one back until six months after you have graduated or finished college. This will allow you many opportunities to obtain your dream job, giving you the income to pay the student loan back, when the payments begin.
So, how can you tell if you are going to need to get a student loan? One reason you might is if the college of your choice is a very expensive one, not that any college is cheap; however, some are more expensive. Costs of tuition and books each quarter can really begin to add up on you. If you cannot qualify for a federal grant, such as the Pell grant, you would need to find another method of paying for college.
If any of the above applies to you, you should be considering a student loan for your education. This will allow you to be able to cover the costs of books and tuition, without have to worry about coming up with the money. The paper work is not too strenuous; therefore, it would not take you long to get your student loan started.
By Ken Charnley
Check Out the Related Article : Best Consolidation Loan Student Program

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 6:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans FAQ
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Best Student Loans?
The best student loans around are really not that hard to find. In fact, with so much competition for the student loan market, there are even some pretty good private student loan deals floating around. Even so, the best student loans available continue to be the loan programs offered by the federal government. They are created with students (rather than profits) in mind, have generous application and repayment terms and have undergone a lot of public scrutiny.
That is also the reason that they continue to be the most popular student loans around.
So what are the options?
Federal Stafford Loans -
These are a very common type of loan from the Department of Education that can be given to either graduate or undergraduate students who are US Citizens. You must be attending a university of college and attending more than half-time. This particular loan is probably the most popular available.
Federal Perkins Loans -
This is the main loan for students who are in most financial need. They do not require a parent to cosign and no interest accrues during the time that the student is at college. The interest rate is also very reasonable compared to most other student loan options, meaning that it will be cheaper and hopefully take less time to repay.
Federal Parent PLUS Loans -
If your parents are willing to take out a loan for your education, then this is going to be the best option for them in most cases. The loan itself is made to the parents, rather than to the student directly.
Federal Graduate PLUS Loans -
This is a newer type of loan which allows professional and graduate students to apply for the PLUS loan. Again, the loan itself goes to the parents for the education of their child. These four types of loan are by far the most widely utilized student loan options. While there are many private student loans available that you should also investigate, the federal options will remain among the best student loans available.
By John Mcfadden
Check Out the Related Article : Best Consolidation Loan Student Program

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 5:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans Info
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Online Student Loans
A student loan is a loan that is granted to a college student enrolled in courses full or part time for at least one semester or quarter and who have declared a major with the intent of pursuing a degree of higher education. Student loans can be granted through various lenders with a governmental guarantee, or can be granted from private lenders with no guarantee. Some student loans do not require a parent's signature, while others do. The government guaranteed student loan is classified by two types, subsidized and unsubsidized.
The subsidized student loans have a yearly limit and allow for the government to pay the interest on the loan while the student is in school. The unsubsidized student loan allows for a higher yearly limit, but the student must pay the interest while in school, or the accrued interest will be added onto the balance of the loan and is the responsibility of the student during repayment. A student loan can be deferred while the student is in school half time indefinitely. Private student loans usually have a set period of deferment, 2-5 years, and then the student must begin repayment regardless of whether or not they have completed their education.
Currently, student loans have the best interest rates in town. As the interest rate index rises, so will the student loan rate. During low rate times, many scramble to consolidate their student loans. This saves a tremendous amount of interest in the long run, since a student loan repayment plan can extend over 25 years depending on the loan balance. Those students with an extremely low student loan balance ($5,000 or less) usually only have the typical 5 or 10 year repayment option. A student loan is eligible to be used for tuition, books, on campus housing and childcare expenses. Some student loans allow for the purchase of an automobile to get to and from school, or other pertinent school materials such as a computer or to pay off other student loan debt.
Many students today are counting on student loans for their education. What they are not realizing when they sign the student loan promissory note is the debt they are incurring for a very long time after their schooling has been completed. The average student loan balance is upwards of $50,000 for a four year degree. Add to that professional education costs, and some students will have over $150,000 in student loan debt. While the investment of an education is always a wise idea because investing in one's mind will never diminish in value, the costs associated with this investment and the income expected to earn should be carefully evaluated. Some careers do not warrant a high enough salary to repay the loans. Grants and scholarships should always be considered as alternatives to obtaining student loan debt.
By Christian N
Check Out the Related Article : Best Consolidation Loan Student Program

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 9:10 AM 1 comments
Labels: Student Loans Online
Monday, October 13, 2008
Student Loan Consolidation Can Be The Simple Solution To Avoid Default
Student loan consolidation is now popular because the rule that federal student loan borrowers holding defaulted student loans are no longer entitled to any deferments or forbearance. Student loan borrowers who just ignore summons for loan repayments will become liable for all fees associated with collecting the federally financed loan.
Most of the guaranty agencies’ stringent collection procedures have successfully deterred student loan neglect. One of the supports for this claim is the steady decrease and current all-time low of student loan default rates.
4 Simple Ways That Can Help You To Prevent The Onset Of Student Loan Default
1. Student loan consolidation is a very effective opportunity to consolidate several monthly payments into a single loan.
2. Make sure that you understand your loan options as well as the related responsibilities prior to taking out a student loan.
3. Simply make your payments on time every month.
4. Inform your lender or service provider promptly about any of the possible adjustments that may affect the repayment of your student loan.
The best solution may be student loan consolidation to help avoid the hassle of several monthly loan payments which in many cases can be the cause of default in the first place.
What is student loan consolidation?
When a certain student initially applied for a number of student loans from different providers and organizations, each student loan agency or provider offered distinct interest rates as well as term or period of time for the loan to be paid back. The concept of a student loan consolidation is to grab all the varying student loans and put them all into one single, simple and handy loan.
Then the student will only make one payment each month for all the loans incurred, than several or individual loan payments each month; with this, the student will then save time as well as money. With a much lower interest rate plus less checks to write each month, are just a few of the advantages of executing a student loan consolidation.
Why consolidate student loans?
Generally, individuals apply for a student loan consolidation to cut on their payments each month and to save on money for an accumulated period of time. When you do want to drastically lower your payments each month, frequently you can through the extension of your repayment term past the 10-year period standard for a federal student loan. The faster you settle your student loan, the more money you can save.
4 Student Loan Consolidation Features and Benefits
1. Lower payments every month.
2. Have simple and convenient loan payments.
3. Have fixed interest rates. With certain federal student consolidation loans, one may have a permanent fixed rate on a student loan. Check online to have an estimate and calculate the interest rate on the best student loan consolidation that will be based on the current rates.
4. Payment period can be extended. However, keep in mind this will result in paying more or additional interest for that accumulated time of your student loan consolidation if you extend the loan period. This is an option if your debt has become too much to pay each month.
Student loan consolidation can help you put attention on earning money and education rather than dealing with several monthly student loan payments.
By Dean Shainin
Check Out the Related Article : Benefit Loan Consolidation Student

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 5:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans Consolidation
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Student Loan - What You Need to Know About Applying for Student Loans
Are you thinking about student loans ??, sometime we are thinking about student loans because we want to fund our college, but sometime it will be hard for us to finding the student college
Now, student loans are not the only way to fund college. There are scholarships you may be eligible for; some of you may be lucky enough to have parents that can assist in stemming the costs you might incur; or you might have been diligent about saving for just an occasion. Many of us aren't that fortunate and the costs of paying for tuition, books and other school related fees on top of rent, utilities and other living expenses can be a little overwhelming to deal with. When all else fails, student loans are a good option, but there are some key issues you need to know before going this route.
Federal student loans are designed to assist students in paying for tuition and other expenses. Additionally, they have many advantages over other loans. One advantage is that student loans do not need to be paid back until you're done with school. This takes away much of the stress of taking out a loan and not knowing whether you'll be able to pay it back or not. Even when you do enter repayment, there are several repayment options that student loans allow you to choose from that can be changed with some restrictions based on what might suit your financial situation. Another advantage student loans have over other loans is that the rates and terms are much more lenient. First of all, the interest rates for student loans are variable, much lower than other loans and at the moment there is a cap on the maximum interest you will pay. Secondly, depending on the repayment plan you choose, you can also take as much as 30 years to pay back your loans. Additionally, if your financial situation takes a nose-dive, you may also be eligible to defer repayment on your student loans up to three years and depending on what you do after school, some of the loan may be forgiven.
One of the first decisions you have to make is how much you will need to take out in student loans.
Here are the key issues you should consider when making this decision:
1 - What are your living expenses?
This question involves making a budget that includes all the expenses you incur on a monthly basis. Included in this should be rent, utilities, car payments, insurance, gas, food, child care if needed, other loan payments and any expense that you think you might need on a monthly basis. You'll then need to multiple your monthly budget by the number of months in the school year, usually nine, and then add in the costs of tuition and other college related fees. This will give you a good idea of the total financing you'll need for the year.
2 - Are you going to work?
This is a critical factor in deciding how much you'll need and working will allow you to take out much less in student loans decreasing your debt when you are finished. Additionally, for undergraduates, unless you take out private loans, student loan funding is limited and may not always cover all your expenses depending on the college you decide to go to. You might also qualify for work-study, which also gives you valuable work experience. Unless you're planning on only going to school part-time, I don't suggest working full-time. Your main goal in going to college is to get a good education and working full-time detracts from this opportunity.
So you've figured out your approximate expenses for the school year. Here's what you need to do in order to get student loans:
File a Free Application for Financial Student Aid
Filing the FAFSA should not be put off. While the deadline for student loans isn't terribly strict, most schools have a February 15th deadline to qualify for grants and other types of non-loan aid such as work-study, which may significantly decrease the amount of debt you owe when you're finished with school. I suggest getting an application for the next year as soon as they become available. This is usually right around the end of the year. Fill it out right after you get your tax documents, usually around the end of January. Your financial information on your form needs to match what you file with your tax return and sometimes your school's financial aid office will need a signed copy of your tax return as well if anything is questionable, so be sure to make a copy after you sign it. One thing you don't want to do on the form is provide inaccurate information. This could prevent you from getting any aid at all in the present and in the future.
Soon after you send it in, the Department of Education will send out your student aid report (SAR) with all the information you provided as well as the information the school takes into consideration. If they ask for additional information, don't wait to send it to them. Doing so could prevent you from getting aid of any type. How much you'll be able to take out will depend on your information, the school and the budget they assume for the academic year.
Student loans are like any other loan. You need to be cautious of how much you borrow and how much you'll need to pay back. Weigh the costs and the benefits just as you would any loan, but don't let it keep you from returning to college or just starting out. The cost of not going is always much greater.
Check Out the Related Article : Benefit Loan Consolidation Student

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans Info
Friday, October 10, 2008
Three Things to Consider Before You Take Out a Student Loan
If you are a student needing financial aid, one of the financial aids available to you is a student loan. In very simple terms, a student loan is a loan you take out and use to pay the costs of your college tuition. Compared to other types of loans, a student loan has a lower interest rates. While students loans can be privately sponsored, most student loans are government sponsored.
There are three things you need to consider before you apply for a student loan.
The first thing you need to consider is your credit rating or credit history. A poor credit history can adversely affect your student loan application. Some lenders will look at your credit history; some don't. It all depends on what kind of student loan you apply for. Thus, if you have a poor credit history, look into student loans that don't consider your credit report or credit score a top requirement.
The other thing you need to consider before applying for a student loan is your ability to pay back the loan. Consider the kind of job you would possibly have after you graduate. Make an estimate of what your starting salary would be when you get a job. The cardinal rule in borrowing is that you should only borrow an amount that you are certain you will be able to pay back. Before turning in your student loan application, you also need to know how much you will have to pay every month if your loan gets approved.
The third thing you should consider when applying for a student loan is the interest rate of the loan. Find the lowest interest-bearing student loan you can find. If possible, apply for a subsidized student loan. With a subsidized student loan, you won't have to worry about the interest accruing while you are going to school.
To summarize, consider your credit history, your ability to pay the loan back and the interest rate when you are applying for a student loan. If your student loan application gets approved, create a budget. Paying off your student loan every month should one of your priorities. If at all possible, avoid borrowing too much money.
By Tim Gorman
Check Out the Related Article : Benefit Loan Consolidation Student

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans Guide
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Student Loan Consolidations
When you are applying for a student consolidation loan, you are trying to take balances from other loans that can be student or parent loans and consolidate them in to one big loan with a single lender. They are available as FFELP (Stafford, PLUS and SLS), FISL, Perkins, Health Professional Student Loans, NSL, HEAL, Guaranteed Student Loans and Direct loans. Some lenders consolidation loans as private loans as well.
Student consolidation loans offer lower monthly payments by extending long terms beyond 10 years. They can run as long as 12 to 30 years depending on the size of the loan. This makes it much easier for a student and/or parents to repay the loan without feeling financially strapped. Of course, by extending the loan, the interest paid is greater.
If you choose to pay the loan off in less than 10 years, the monthly payment may decrease without extending the overall loan terms beyond the 10 years. Keep in mind that you must make monthly payments faithfully in order not to increase the interest paid. The interest rate is an average of all the loans being consolidated, rounded to the nearest 8th of a percent capped around 8.25%. If a student consolidates before they begin repayments, the interest rates could be much lower.
If a student has trouble repaying the loan may be able to take advantage of the “income contingent payment” plan that adjusts to compensate for a lower monthly income. The payments are lower for the first two years and can terms can be extended without consolidation. Keep in mind that each of these options will increases the total amount of interest due.
By Kevin Stith
Check Out the Related Article : Bad Credit Student Loans - Info You Need To Know

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 10:18 AM 2 comments
Labels: Student Loans Consolidation
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Student Loans
Now-a-days education is an Investment and the cost of education is increased immensely in these days. Most of the people cannot meet the expense of pursuing good quality of education due to lack of money. However, getting a good education requires a lot of money. In recent days, public and private sector banks give support to the students wishing to achieve first-rate education by giving the Student loans.
There are several types of Student loans like Student loan refinancing, Federal student loans, and private student loans and so on. Student loan refinancing offers lower installment amount and lower interest rates and significantly long time extent and it facilitate easy repayments. Federal student loans can borrow money through his/her parents in behalf of their undergraduate children and it has lower interest rates but you can request very low amount. Private student loan is a personal loan and it is based on the credit standing of the student or parent’s of the student and it has highest interest rates and it offers higher loan amounts.
Federal student loans are divided into various types like Federal subsidized Stafford Loans, Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Federal Plus / Grad Plus Loan. Federal Subsidized Stafford Loans are dependent/Independent of student and this loan is based on financial need and it has fixed interest rates. Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loans are also dependent/Independent of student and this loan has no income restrictions and it also have fixed interest rates on loans. Federal Plus / Grad Plus Loan are graduate/professional students borrowing for them and this is also having no income restrictions but interest rates will be differed.
Currently so many public and private financial Institutions offering these student loans for the purposes like tuition fees, lab fees, accommodation and other living expenses.Now-a-days we can find the lenders in internet also. Students must search for better loan consolidation centers which offer minimum interest rates. Its better option otherwise they may face troubles when they are repaying that Loan amount.
Check Out the Related Article : Bad Credit Student Loans - Info You Need To Know

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 7:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Student Cash Loans
We all know that college and any other level of education beyond the public school system, can be very costly. Often, students need financial assistance to fund school projects, pay for tuition, living expenses or simply to make ends meet. Some lucky students can secure scholarships that help pay for all or part of the expenses. However, for those who do not have a scholarship to help them through college, is there any other option to obtain financial assistance other than relying on their parents? Fortunately, there is - through a student cash loan.
A student loan is designed for students who want to continue their education but are not capable of paying for the expenses on their own. There are actually two types of student loans available: federal student loans and private loans. A federal student loan is backed by the U.S. government. This type of student loan can be refinanced at a lower interest rate suitable for students. A federal loan is usually based on the financial needs of the student applicant.
Meanwhile, a private student loan is a personal loan. This type of loan is based on the credit standing of the student or the student's parents or benefactors. Student loans have a number of advantages, the most important of which is that the student can borrow all the money he needs and repay it once he graduates and is starting to earn a specific income. Also, these student loans have special rates that are intended specifically for students.
Many lenders offer student loans, and it is generally easy to find a good one with a reasonable interest rate. Look for lenders in your area and compare their interest rates, payment terms and other factors. You can also look for student loan lenders on the Internet. Applying for a student loan is generally quick and easy, but you will most probably need letters of recommendation and other requirements, depending on the lender.
Check Out the Related Article : Bad Credit Student Loans - Info You Need To Know

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Student Loans Info
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